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École Delwood School offers French Immersion programming for students Kindergarten through grade 6. Students typically commence French Immersion in Kindergarten or Grade One.

In French Immersion:
- students receive 100 percent of their instruction in French in Kindergarten, Grade 1 and part of Grade 2.
- students begin formal English Language Arts instruction at the midpoint of Grade 2 and continue to receive English Language Arts in grades 3-12.

French Immersion is one approach to second language learning. Take a look at this YouTube video 'Vive le français - French Immersion at Edmonton Public Schools' for information on the French Immersion Program within Edmonton Public Schools.  

This video was created by the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education at Edmonton Public Schools to support the promotion and expansion of French Immersion programs and increase awareness for the benefits of learning French.  

French for Life! French Immersion at Edmonton Public Schools

French Immersion Program Description - Edmonton Public Schools

Yes You Can Help! - Information and Inspiration for Parents of French Immersion Students - Government of Alberta